Kids With Buns is a bedroom indie pop project, pushing the boundaries musically and thematically. Digging deep into their psyche and personal experiences, the young artists meticulously transform their honest feelings into music. Where their two minds collide, their music takes shape.  A melancholic microuniverse takes shape when their pure yet distinctive guitars merge together with the androgynous voice of Marie and the silky tones of Amber. 

In 2020 Kids With Buns released their first track and immediately became the face of the yearly campaign of  “1712”, the Belgian violence helpline, with their synonymously titled song touching upon sexual intimidation.  

After winning De Nieuwe Lichting 2021, (prestigious popmusic contest organised by Studio Brussel) their single 'bad grades' hit number one in Studio Brussel’s De Afrekening and amassed over one million streams worldwide. Live, Kids With Buns translates their music in a disarming way and has, so far, captivated audiences in Belgium and The Netherlands (LokerseFeesten, OLT Rivierenhof…)  

In October they shared a new single 'untitled', that talks about the growing self-centredness in society, which makes us feel the kind of loneliness and alienation that you can't put into words. And we started 2022 well with 'waiting room', a song about losing yourself in isolation. They teamed up with Bram Vanparys (The Bony King of Nowhere) to capture that feeling of loneliness, desperation, and “ugh” on record. 

Latest single 'the snakes', stemming from a song written at 16 years oldafter a first real heartbreak, tells the story of being addicted to a person that you can't have. Tossing up between hating them and desperately crawling back, the song carries you away with Marie's deep voice, Amber's soaring yet atmospheric guitars and an addictive chorus.