Cristóvam shares 'Songs On a Wire'

Creating songs through a wire to overcome being separated

All the way back in 2017, Cristóvam met the producer Tim Hart. From the first moment they met, both had this instant connection and vision on translating their thoughts and emotions into music. Unfortunately, the global pandemic disrupted their plans, and they soon had to think of a way to work together while being physically apart. Ultimately, the making of this record started around mid-February 2021. Once the basics were complete, Cristóvam brought some friends over to his studio, Tim called Jon, Killian and David from Boy and Bear, and the result: 12 brand new songs. 

The title ‘Songs On a Wire’ is a reference to the complex process of how those songs were shaped remotely, bouncing audio files from one side of the world to the other. 'Songs On a Wire’, is a record that reflects on the last two years of Cristóvam’s life. These were the times when he dealt with many different things: from the loneliness of the pandemic to other major events in life (getting married, getting signed or having my music going viral and reaching so many people). Cristóvam states: 

“These were probably the two most intense years of my life, and I guess those ups and downs are condensed all over this record. In a way, I would say it is about taking a ride on a rollercoaster - with all its ups, downs, curves, loopings, and reverses. While you’re standing up from your seat and are walking towards the exit, you're smiling, while still thinking: ‘wait, what the heck just happened?!’” 

The vision and direction for this album were for both Cristóvam and Tim clear; they wanted a more organic sound. They are bothbig fans of Ethan Johns, but with the limited number of resources, they were not able to do a record like he does. However, they were committed to producing a sound that was as natural as possible. They wanted it to sound a bit like a live record – to get back what corona has taken away from us -- which now may sound like an audacious goal, considering how it was virtually done. Cristóvam wanted the songs to tell the story without feeling the need to have many sound layers.

'Songs On A Wire' is available here!

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