In the summer of 1920, Carrie Chapman Catt and countless other suffragists marched to Tennessee. They needed 36 states to ratify the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, and this was their final hope. As president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, Carrie knew what was at stake. She had devoted her entire life to the cause. But a crisis was upon them. Against the backdrop of a war, a pandemic, poverty and lack of access to education, the movement never gave up the fight.
'All My Friends' is out now!
The nine tracks on All My Friends build a rich, expansive sound upon the singer-songwriter’s harmonious and contemplative trademark style. Conceived and recorded as an orchestral venture, the album’s ambitious scale and anthemic quality reflects its themes. The album contains songs inspired by the life and mission of Chapman Catt, whose work O’Donovan discovered in 2019. A commission to celebrate the centenary of the 19th amendment, which first granted American women the right to vote, led O’Donovan to Chapman Catt’s letters and speeches. Some of the suffragist’s oratory is incorporated verbatim in the lyrics, including the evergreen question: “What is the democracy for which the world is battling?”
'All My Friends' Tracklist